Education Forums and Workshops

Global FC is an advocate for immigrant and refugee related issues.

Trainings, workshops and shared resources are part of our ongoing commitment to equip our volunteers and the larger community. We provide education forums and talks at various schools, events, and organization trainings in our efforts to see the broader population increase their understanding of resettlement and diversity issues, including breaking down walls of misconceptions, stereotypes and even fear.

We believe that effective advocacy involves carefully understanding and defining the issues, educating our volunteers and the larger public, promoting better dialogue in the community, proposing solutions and opportunities for support, while using evidence and measured outcomes as a basis for each effort.

We desire real stories to empower real issues. Individual stories can be very effective to promote change and breathe life into issues. We understand that change and increased understanding takes time, so it is our mission to be consistent with extending invitations to the larger Kansas City community to our various workshops and education forums.

If you are interested in having Global FC provide a training, workshop or special talk at your school, organization or event, please contact